On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 9:12 PM Fredric Moses <fred(a)> wrote:
> So reading:
> Has raised the following questions..
> "Why did you sell?
> We weren’t ever going to use those addresses, and in today’s marketplace,
> they could bring in some badly-needed funds.”
> Really badly-needed funds by who? for what is there some pressing need
> that the watchers of the 44/8 space had that they didn’t bother to ask the
> rest of the community?
> "Who decided to sell these? I didn’t get to vote on it.”
> It was all hush hush it seems. Because had you brought it to the
> community that uses the space day in and out it would have been brought
> with soooo much negativity that people would be asking questions to out the
> “board” of directors.
> The asset of 44/8 was for you guys to protect for Amateur Radio as a
> whole.. It’s not your personal play toy.. You all just thought about
> yourself’s and not the legacy and future of any grant programs or the
> like. 44/8 isn’t a personal piggy bank that you just turned it into. And
> into the largest piggy bank ever for a small group of hams to control at
> that. Had you really wanted to help Amateur radio you would have worked
> with the people who use the asset…. Now you have no clue if traffic from
> 44/8 is Amateur Radio based or not and that’s so screwed up..
> --
> Fredric Moses - W8FSM - WQOG498
> fred(a)