Lets keep this discussion going - we can change things.
Quoting as required;
Ubiquiti & Mikrotik are great for building
highspeed wireless ip networks
Yup I have three APs on 2.4 and another three on 5.8 on a mountain top
site. No 44 on it, because the routing daemon doesn't work on Mikrotik.
And the gear costs almost nothing - compare a "new transceiver" for these
bands compared to a "new transceiver" for any other band.
If we could change the demographics of the hobby that
would help.
I take your point, but you get on PSK31 and have a look at the age
demographic there - be prepared to be shocked to see many of these
operators over 60y.
You have to have something first to entice them.
Agreed. We need cool toys! And there ARE PLENTY.. As in the next
paragraph - engage with these groups and offer them our product.
How many people even know about the 44net
space? Maybe we need to reach out to;
-The broadband-hamnet developers - presently
they use 10.X.X.X address space
-VOIP developers, like IRLP, Echolink, and Allstar.
-Hams who run internet servers, like
qsl.net, etc
I think your suggestion is paramount. I submit this is a way forward, if
not THE way forward.
Then there is the issue of how to integrate 44net into
your home network.
Agree completely. Do we need a dial-in PPP server for those who "just want
a 44/32" ?
The second problem is regulatory. Data bandwidth
issues, content issues..
all deturants.
I agree, but the problem is not what quite you suggest here.
I think we need to ditch this attitude of heavily self-regulating
ourselves. Hams have traditionally held this concept dear - one of overtly
interpreting the rules heavily in our own disfavor. I don't think we do
ourselves any positive service at all with this, particularly so when the
result is we now stop and do nothing at all because of our own attitude.
If some user does something inappropriate, it is normal to warn once then
revoke access for some time - a normal and acceptable approach anywhere. I
think we should free our attitude up a little.
There have been issues of bandwidth as well, but these days a VDSL or fibre
connection isn't expensive, and neither is 100G of data to go with it.
Meshnetworks - Rangitaiki Plains Rural Broadband Internet Providers
+64 21 040 5067