Greetings all. I am trying to set up a gateway on the MikroTik hAP lite following the
posted instructions at
A few questions as I do not seem to be having success. At the end, prior to installing
scripts, I do have access to the broader Internet however still have a 192.168.88.x
address issued to my PC.
Question on step 1: At first assign 44 Net address to your router Interface You do it by
the web : IP --> Addresses --> Add New , a new screen will open , fill your 44 Net
IP sub net (usually it will be /24) feel the network it should usually
be same as the IP but with 0 in the end
In the first I am using my 44 IP of and then using the in the
network slot. Is that correct? I then assigned this to one of the LAN ports on the
MikroTik which looks correct for the LAN IP info as it does change this from the
192.168.88.x sequence. The checkbox below that still shows as NAT, should this change to
Now some routes commands needed to be done
1) Route all the traffic to the tunnel interface
You do it by : IP --> Routes and clicking on the line and changing the gateway
to the tunnel interface name and clicking apply
The command line in text is as follow
If I use the /ip route
add distance=1 gateway=UCSD
It creates a new entry showing UCSD however it does not connect. Am I doing something
wrong in this whole process?
After creating the tunnel the following instruction does not yield an editable gateway box
as it would lead me to think it would so I cannot select the UCSD gateway. I did also load
the scripts linked at the bottom of the page with edited IP addresses relevant to my
networks and so not see the routes table updating.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Thank you,
Keith – AI6BX
Sent from my iPad