#authors identity deliberately removed
Wiki's are a collective effort, what have you done to fix the flaws
you see there? Have you signed on as a Wiki editor? Have you written
articles for inclusion on that Wiki? Links go stale, there has to be
an "ugly bag of mostly water" behind the keyboard to keep a document
tree fresh and healthy, otherwise off-site links go bad when someone
drops dead or an organization folds. What are you doing in YOUR spare
Well, I just spent two days researching at typing this review document.
Perhaps you think I idly blew it out of my armpit? I'm good, but not that
[annoyed rant deleted]
I'm a 44net newbie as well, but I'm not a newbie at accurately documenting
"the problem", or "the global solution". Ask me to stop at any time.
As such, I will document what I use but I am not in a position to do the