On 2/22/12 10:05 PM, Marius Petrescu wrote:
I think I generated a misunderstanding.
Not really - you generated some much needed discussion, at least for
this OM who is new to AMPRNet.
I took a look yesterday on the RIP data which I
receive and therre was
an invalid entry regarding
Invalid because the subnet did not fall on a proper subnet boundary, or
invalid because 44.9 is invalid? It's now corrected to but some
would still say it doesn't begin on a proper boundary.
Well, WA*6*NMF, but that's close.
I just signaled this on the list so appropriate
corrections could be made.
Which happened quickly and now it is ok, and is no longer on the list.
Yes, now is there through the same gateway. It is entered as Perhaps some will complain because it's not but is not assigned to me.
(I think Daniel, K6DLC did the corrections - TNX)
Yes, thanks to Daniel -- he sent new addresses for me, but we're still
working out the subnet issue. Or maybe it's just me who's confused.
David WA6NMF