Then, the question becomes :
- Is it better to keep full mesh / standalone endpoints (such as current
IP-IP) ? But if so, how to handle Plug and Play and NAT traversal ?
- Or is it better to have small local gateways managed by skilled teams,
and end-users connecting to those gateways with simpler PnP VPN systems ?
We choosed the second option, with fully home-made design (OpenWRT,
OpenVPN, OSPF), because it best suited our needs, and because we are an
island, with few inter-connects with the rest of the world.
Same thing here. We are not an island but still we feel that we need to
use a
local gateway where everyone is connected using modern technologies
with today's internet connections and equipment. Our gateway is still
connected to
the IPIP mesh but the individual stations are connected using another
VPN type.
It seems lots of people in the world are using similar
designs, with a
central gateway and enpoints connecting to it via VPNs. Maybe we just
have to share our experiences, and adopt some kind of "standardized"
rules for our gateways ?
That is what I am trying to do... and reduce their compexity by
dropping the
old IPIP mesh and use some newer technologies that are available in standard
routers, so it will become easier to setup a gateway.