Thought I'd forward on an email I wrote to one of my technical lists as
there is a lot of vague information out there at the moment.
Hey Everyone,
At first, I thought this issue was going to be pretty narrow for sites
who still use CGI, etc. Looking more, I found this good summary page
which shows it to be a rather large attack surface:…
What else? Oh, of course: the impact of this bug is an interesting story
all in itself. At first sight, the potential for remote exploitation
should be limited to CGI scripts that start with #!/bin/bash and to
several other programs that explicitly request this particular shell.
But there's a catch: on a good majority of modern Linux systems, /bin/sh
is actually a symlink to /bin/bash!
This means that web apps written in languages such as PHP, Python, C++,
or Java, are likely to be vulnerable if they ever use libcalls such as
popen() or system(), all of which are backed by calls to /bin/sh -c
'...'. There is also some added web-level exposure through #!/bin/sh CGI
scripts, <!--#exec cmd="..."> calls in SSI, and possibly more exotic
vectors such as mod_ext_filter.
This page nicely shows one line scripts of how to demonstrate if you're
vulnerable and if not, what is the expected output:…
Big providers running tools like Cpanel, etc are going to get caught up
and there are several bots already exploiting this. Unfortunately, even
with the newest patches available say at things aren't completely
resolved. This list seems to have the newest details on the issue from
the primary developers so it needs to be monitored until a new patch
makes it upstream:
Patch 0.26 is still not released which is required to completely close
these holes. According to the above email list, this is turning out to
be a much larger problem!