Hi Bryan,
You have regional BGP routers that route subnets to
the internet. These
then tunnel the subnets to end users via GRE. End
users could route via
IGP over this tunnel to the regional speaker(s).
Multiple tunnels would
This is exactly what BGP enabled subnets are intended for and the one's
already set up work as described.
What you do in that subnet is every subnet's own busines.
But why GRE? it has a bigger overhead compared to IPIP...
The regional speakers would have a tunnel between
Also, everyone can link their directly routed subnets as they wish. The
current arhitecture doesn't prohibit such links.
In the event of an outage the other BGP speakers would
route subnets.
Multiple links from end users to other BGP speakers (or non-speakers that
aggravation routers) would provide redundancy to the
end users.
Again this is a subnet internal isuue what you du with your end users.
Of course nothing prevents having a direct BGP speaker
with an RF link to
users, most data centers will not have roof rights
The current setups allow the same thing. No one disallows this.
We could setup redistribution that would pull
announcements from BGP if
nodes went down.
If you have redundant BGP enabled routers in the BGP announced subnet this
will happen.
Each BGP speaker could announce the subnets it knows
about and a /8
we have a mesh of the backbone bgp speakers.
This is how BGP works... The ampr gateway is the /8 announcer
So nothing new in these idees. It is exactly how the BGP enabled subnets
work right now.
As I stated, the rest of the ampr network is just another BGP announced
subnet, this time the /8 covering the address space not announced by other
BGP enabled subnets.
So I really don't understand the issue. This is exactly what we have right
now. What you do in your own subnet behind the registered gw or behind your
BGP router is your personal stuff and does not affect the rest of the ampr
network. If you want extra GRE tunnels, set them up, if you want redundant
links via tunnels with other announcers, do it. Everything is compliant with
our current setup.
And if you don't want IPIP use BGP routed acces and you will not need it
anymore. For acces to hosts outside your network, you will be routed via
amprgw, and everything will work.
But please don't try to enforce your internal network householding on
others, since not everyone can afford a BGP subnet. In my case a BGP enabled
acces is considered of professional use and is about my monthly income,
which of course I am not able to support.
73 de Marius, YO2LOJ