Does not mean end users need BGP
A few, maybe as little as 10, border nodes might run BGP and *provide
VPN/Tunnel services to everyone else* and not everyone needs to run the
same VPN/Tunnel protocol.
Then who would be setting up this BGP???
Some of those who announce their allocations now refuse to maintain tunnels for others.
Your theories can be tested now, without BGP. My gateway startup script should currently
allow someone to route traffic to other valid nodes, simply test by pointing your gatewawy
towards mine, return traffic will be via thier route for you (multi-homing), add your BGP
The idea is to have a fully connected address space
using the
Internet/BGP to interconnect.
The address space is fully connected now, problem are you trying to solve?
There can be multi-homing and tiers to minimize single
points of failure.
How many of you can say your 'home' ampr-lan doesn't have a single point
of failure?
The only way for my home ampr-lan to eliminate its single point of failure problem is to
get a second ISP at home and BGP with both of them; but you state above that this
"does not mean end users need BGP," so I'm confused.
Encap/IPIP and RIP tables could theoretically have 16
million entries for
Net-44, why not use aggregation and a tiered network instead?
Theoretically, yes, if all the space in 44net were divided into /32's. Realistically,
that is not the case. Your suggestion still requires AMPRGW and some select few to
maintain a "more complete" routing table than the end user has; currently, we
all have a copy of the full routing table.
As I see it, the end user would use a router (a cheap
Mikrotik or RasPi)
with one or more upstream VPN connections to a border node or sub-tier
router and would route all non-local 44net traffic over that
connection/those connections. All the user needs is a VPN/Tunnel
configuration and credentials provided by the border node/tier router
operator. So much simpler.
Think big net, not personal net.
You do know this is how AMPRNet currently works (minus the VPN portion), right?